The Phoenix: My Journey in Creating Modern-Hunter-Gatherers

Sometimes, life doesn’t go the way you expect. For years, I was caught up in the whirlwind of modern living—overworked, overstimulated, and often disconnected from what I felt truly mattered. But then, a moment of clarity hit me, and I realized there had to be another way. That’s when the idea for the modern-hunter-gatherer movement was born—a way of living that reconnects us with our primal roots, nature, and ourselves. It’s a journey I’m still on, and while no one has officially joined me yet, the spark inside me is still burning bright.

The Fall: A Disconnect from Modern Life

I used to live like most people—following the rules of modern society, working hard, and consuming more than I needed. But deep down, I could feel something wasn’t right. Anxiety, fatigue, and a constant feeling of being out of place haunted me. The disconnect between the life I was living and what felt natural to me was impossible to ignore. Was this truly the way humans were meant to live?

It got to the point where I knew I had to make a change. It felt like hitting rock bottom, but that was also the turning point—where I realized that to rise, I had to let go of everything that was weighing me down.

The Rise: Rediscovering Our Natural Instincts

After that realization, I knew I had to strip life back to its essentials. I decided to embark on an experiment to live like a modern-hunter-gatherer. I traveled to Croatia and spent six weeks living with minimal possessions, eating once a day, walking for miles, sprinting, swimming in the sea, and reconnecting with nature. I ditched my phone, reduced my use of chemicals, and embraced a lifestyle that felt aligned with our most primal instincts.

The results were transformative. My body grew stronger, my mind clearer, and for the first time in years, I felt truly connected to myself and the world around me. It was a return to something more human, more real. The simplicity of living like a hunter-gatherer gave me a clarity that modern life never could.

The Awakening: Creating the Modern-Hunter-Gatherer Movement

This journey sparked a question in me: What if modern culture is broken? What if the way we’re living—filled with stress, consumerism, and disconnection—is not how we’re supposed to live? With this thought, the modern-hunter-gatherer movement was born. I wanted to share this way of life with others and build a community that valued simplicity, sustainability, and reconnection with nature.

But here’s the truth: no one has joined me yet.

And that’s okay. This movement was never about numbers or followers. It’s about living authentically and creating something real. The modern world might not be ready for it, but I believe in the importance of this path. The fact that no one has joined yet doesn’t diminish the value of this journey.

The Future: Moving Forward Alone, but Not Defeated

I’ll be honest, at times it’s been disheartening to look around and see no one walking beside me. But then I remind myself—this movement was never about validation from others. It’s about a deeper mission: to explore whether living more in tune with our hunter-gatherer roots can make us happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

And I still believe it can. Maybe this movement is ahead of its time, or maybe the right people just haven’t found it yet. But as I continue to walk this path, I know that others will see the value in it eventually. Until then, I keep walking, learning, and living as humanly as possible.

This is the phoenix story. Rising from the ashes of a life that felt hollow, I’ve built something more meaningful—something rooted in nature, simplicity, and authenticity. Even if I walk alone, I know this is a journey worth taking.

An Invitation

If you’ve ever felt the same way—disconnected from modern life, overwhelmed by the noise, and yearning for something more natural, more real—I invite you to explore this path with me. This isn’t about followers or trends. It’s about rediscovering what it means to be truly human, one step at a time.

The journey may be slow, but the fire is still burning. Will you join me when the time feels right?